Dec 01

My links of the week – December 1, 2013


Here are my chosen links for this week, covering SQL Server (with an emphasis on SQL Server 2014), web development, software development and big data.

  • Web Design and Development:
    • Victor Savkin’s Contrasting Backbone and Angular is an interesting article that compares how regular web development tasks can be achieved with the Backbone,js and Angular JS Javascript frameworks.
    • Steven Bradley’s Mobile Up, Widescreen Down, or Somewhere In-Between? compares the mobile up and widescreen down approaches, when designing a responsive website and provides advice on which to use considering the designer’s experience.
    • Rob Dodson’s A Guide to Web Components addresses Web Components, a set of web standards with the goal of allowing the bundling of markup and styles into custom HTML elements, that fully encapsulate the HTML and CSS. An excellent read.
    • Mike Wasson’s Single-Page Applications: Build Modern, Responsive Web Apps with ASP.NET shows how to build a Single Page Application (SPA) using Visual Studio 2013 and the ASP.NET Web API, while using Knockout.js and Ember.js for the front-end. 

That’s it for this week. Thanks for reading.

Oct 20

My links of the week – October 20, 2013

This week saw the release of Windows 8.1 and Visual Studio 2013. It was also the week of PASS Summit 2013, but surprisingly this is possibly the week where more SQL Server related posts are included.

  • If you are interested in Visual Studio 2013, I have compiled a list of the links I found most interesting in Visual Studio 2013 Resources.
  • Robert Sheldon’s SQL Server SQLCMD Basics provides a detailed description of the features available witthe SQLCMD utility. A very good read.
  • Aaron Bertrand’s Use Caution with SQL Server’s MERGE Statement addresses some of the bugs that have affected the MERGE statement since it was made available with SQL Server, some of which seem to be present even in the preview releases of SQL Server 2014. It’s a comprehensive analysis and a must read for anyone considering the use of MERGE statements.
  • John Sterrett’s SQL Server Performance Root Cause Analysis in 10 Minutes is the introduction to a series of posts that address analysis of performance problems in SQL Server. The article includes links to several articles that include scripts covering multiple aspects of performance analysis.
  • Moving to responsive design, Syed Fazle Rahman’s Building Responsive Websites Using Twitter BootStrap provides a detailed guide to developing responsive websites using the popular Twitter Bootstrap. It also includes a link to a previous article from the same author, that addresses the use of Twitter Bootstrap for complex designs.
  • Jake Rocheleau’s Popular Web Design Trends for Responsive Navigation analyzes several techniques found in great responsive websites. It’s a very interesting read on several of the ways that can be used to design navigation elements in responsive websites.
  • Carlos Cessa’s Mobile First With Bootstrap 3 provides an analysis of the changes in the recently officially released version 3 of Twitter Bootstrap.
  • Jessica Enders’s Flat UI and Forms addresses some of the issues that affect forms as a result of the move to flat user interfaces and proposes some solutions to improve affordance, better distinction between form elements and a more clear hierarchy between form elements.

That’s all for this week.Thanks for reading.