My links of the week – December 1, 2013


Here are my chosen links for this week, covering SQL Server (with an emphasis on SQL Server 2014), web development, software development and big data.

  • Web Design and Development:
    • Victor Savkin’s Contrasting Backbone and Angular is an interesting article that compares how regular web development tasks can be achieved with the Backbone,js and Angular JS Javascript frameworks.
    • Steven Bradley’s Mobile Up, Widescreen Down, or Somewhere In-Between? compares the mobile up and widescreen down approaches, when designing a responsive website and provides advice on which to use considering the designer’s experience.
    • Rob Dodson’s A Guide to Web Components addresses Web Components, a set of web standards with the goal of allowing the bundling of markup and styles into custom HTML elements, that fully encapsulate the HTML and CSS. An excellent read.
    • Mike Wasson’s Single-Page Applications: Build Modern, Responsive Web Apps with ASP.NET shows how to build a Single Page Application (SPA) using Visual Studio 2013 and the ASP.NET Web API, while using Knockout.js and Ember.js for the front-end. 

That’s it for this week. Thanks for reading.

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