Dec 29

My links of the week – 29 December, 2013


Here are the links for this week.

  • Web Design and Development:

That’s it for this week. Thanks for reading. Happy New Year.

Dec 15

My links of the week – December 15, 2013

500px-Relational_Model.svgHere is my selection of the links from the past week.

  • Big Data / BI :
    • Doug Turnbull’s Codd’s Relational Vision – Has NoSQL Come Full Circle? is a very interesting article that goes back to the original Codd’s work on relational databases, analyzing Codd’s criticism of the database systems that existed at the time, to raise the question of whether we have come full circle. Codd’s original arguments that lead to his proposal ofthe relational database model, are used to warn about the risks of denormalization, while taking advantage of that very denormalization in NoSQL databases.
    • Software Engineering Radio’s Episode 199 is a podcast, featuring Michael Stonebraker, a leading MIT database reasearcher. The podcast covers multiple database related subjects of great interest, including “NewSQL” databases.
    • Andrew Burst’s Predicting Big Data’s 2014 presents a few predictions about what 2014 can bring to Big Data, from a set of companies working in the field.

That’s it for this week. Thanks for reading.